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"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government
without newspapers, or newspapers without a government,
I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."
— Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson might well sound the alarm today about profound changes underway in the media business, ranging from the way news is gathered and presented to the way it is funded.
These changes threaten the viability of quality local journalism everywhere, including in our communities.
Imagine trying to stay informed on the issues before the city council or school board without journalists covering their meetings, asking questions and presenting analyses for debate and discussion throughout the community.
Local weekly newspapers have traditionally been the heart and soul of a community's identity and culture. They reflect the values of the residents and businesses, challenge assumptions and shine a light on our imperfections and aspirations.
But as more residents turn online to stay informed about their community, and businesses rocked by the recession turn to inexpensive marketing alternatives, the traditional business model that allowed local journalism to be primarily supported through advertising is quickly evaporating.
That's why this campaign to Support Local Journalism is so important.
Unlike national and international news, there is no substitute for locally-produced news. By its very nature, local news depends on local newsgathering.
Local news is as popular and as highly valued as ever, and our local papers have developed robust community websites and innovative online features that bring the community together in the same way our printed newspapers have done for decades. In fact, the total number of people we reach has expanded substantially due to our websites and "Express," our popular news digest sent out by e-mail every weekday morning.
All of our efforts are geared to creating greater public awareness and engagement—toward building a stronger community.
So if local readership interest has never been greater, what's the problem?
The problem is that the advertising business model for newspapers no longer works the way it used to.
The days of expecting local business advertising to fund 90 percent of the cost of operating a quality local media organization are gone.
We need you—the citizens who value and benefit from the professional reporting we do and who recognize the critical role of the media in monitoring and, when needed, challenging the actions of local government and other institutions—to commit to funding a much greater share of our operations.
So here is our proposition:
Sign up to become a "supporting member" and agree to an automated monthly credit card charge of $5, $10 or $20. By automating this process, you eliminate the need for us to spend money to repeatedly solicit your renewal of support. You can, of course, cancel at any time.
We believe the vast majority of residents have always shared our view of the value and necessity of a strong local media and are willing to provide support equal to two or three cups of coffee a month to secure its future.
Thank you in advance for doing your share to maintain strong local journalism in the great Bay Area communities we are proud to serve.
Bill Johnson
Embarcadero Media
Please click on your community to begin your supporting membership:

Proud to be locally-owned and independent